Getting Started

To use this library to interface with the Reporter API, you first need to instantiate a client. You will need to specify the URL to your Reporter instance (e.g. and your API token.

from reporter import Reporter
rc = Reporter(url="", api_token="secret")

You can now perform operations on the Reporter API, depending on the permissions of your API token.

# Retrieve a user
user = rc.users.list(filter={"email": ""})[0]

# Retrieve a list of clients.
clients = rc.clients.list()

# Create an assessment under the first client.
assessment = clients[0].assessments.create({
   "title": "My Awesome Assessment",
   "assessment_template_id": "owasp_top10_2021",

# Retrieve a list of assessment phases.
phases = rc.assessments.get(, include=["phases"])

# Update an assessment phase.
rc.assessment_phases.update(phases[0].id, {"researchers": []})

Complete documentation of all API endpoints is available within your Reporter instance.

Requesting API Endpoints

The capabilities of this library should correspond closely with those of the Reporter API itself. The capabilities of objects in this library correspond directly to API endpoints. For example the endpoint GET api/v1/findings/{id} allows you to retrieve a finding. Requesting this endpoint using python-reporter can be done as follows:

from reporter import Reporter
rc = Reporter(url="", api_token="secret")

Some endpoints have query parameters, such as sort and include. You can pass these to the method calls as arguments.

from reporter import Reporter
rc = Reporter(url="", api_token="secret")
finding = rc.findings.get(finding_id, include=["targets", "user.documents"], sort="title")
print([ for t in finding.targets])
# ["Acceptance Environment", "Production Environment"]

The following demonstrates how to update a finding:

from reporter import Reporter
rc = Reporter(url="", api_token="secret")
finding = rc.findings.list(filter={"title": "Incoming Meteor"})[0]
rc.findings.update(, {
    "risk": "This is a massive risk to the entire planet.",
    "targets": [target_id],

Some endpoints, especially create ones, require the ID of a different type of object. For example POST api/v1/clients/{client_id}/assessments creates an assessment, but requires the ID of a client. These endpoints must be called from the parent object.

from reporter import Reporter
rc = Reporter(url="", api_token="secret")
client = rc.clients.get(client_id)
    "assessment_template_id": "owasp_top10_2021",
    "assessment_template_name": "OWASP Top 10 - version 2021",
    "title": "SuperApp periodic",
    "description": "White-box test",

Some endpoints require you to upload files:

from reporter import Reporter
rc = Reporter(url="", api_token="secret")

f = open(path, "rb")
document = rc.documents.create(
        "documentable_type": "User",
        "section": "avatar",